bullet imagebullet imageYour entire lifestyle is supported by your income, and the chance of becoming disabled due to injury or illness during your working years is high. Did you know the Agriculture Industry has some of the highest claims? Every year, farmers in Canada are forced to cope with life-changing disabilities caused by accidents and illnesses.

It only takes a second –a slip on the ice, a moment of distraction around moving machinery, or unpredictable livestock, and suddenly you are injured and unable to work.

Have you considered how you would maintain your lifestyle, and keep your farm operating, if this were to happen to you, or one of your valued employees? While no one likes to think about being injured, or becoming sick, you can’t afford to ignore the possibility.

As Canada’s Lifestyle Protection Brokerage, Farmer Benefits offers simple, affordable farming packages to create an income to you, and reimburse you for your fixed business expenses should an injury or illness prevent you from working.

  • Income protection is available based on your gross income,
  • injury protection including sprains, strains, and tears is available regardless of insurability,
  • business overhead expense premiums are tax deductible, and
  • coverage is now available to cover the costs of a replacement worker.

The everyday duties of running a farm don't stop just because you become sick or injured!

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wagon wheels